ScaffoldMart’s 5′ X 5′ Premium Scaffold Ladder Frame


Our Premium Ladder Frame represents the pinnacle of scaffold design and quality. With meticulous design, full cope welding for increased strength, and high-strength alloy verticals, this frame exceeds industry standards.


Our very best 5 x 5 scaffolding ladder frame. What does premium actually mean?

Well it starts with meticulous design, creating drawings with pages of details.

Our founder has 80 patents and counting and is one of the most experienced scaffold designers in the business. He travels abroad to oversee production every six to eight weeks.

Full cope welding at every joint. Cope means the tube is scalloped on its end to snuggly fit the tube to which it’s welded. This increases the welded area, improving vertical load capacity as well as torsional rigidity. Pinch-welded frames are inferior, weaker designs. We don’t build scaffold frames using pinch welds.

Some companies pinch weld because it’s quick and easy, saving production time and cost. We make the extra effort to cope-weld.

In our main vertical tubes the weld seam faces inwards. This way, the horizontal tubes are welded over the seam of the vertical tubes, weld-locking the seam and improving load capacity.

We utilize a high-strength alloy in our main verticals, which carry most of the load on a scaffold frame. As far as we know, we are the only company in this industry doing so.

It starts with sending the raw tube out for chemical composition analysis and checking the OD and ID as well as thickness as 10% of raw tube stock to accept or reject that truckload.

We galvanize our c-locks for corrosion resistance, so they’ll function smoothly without rusting for a long time.

We utilize an extremely high-quality powder coat, testing samples of every batch. We use special tape to test adhesion and a scratch test to ensure hardness.

After 20 years, we think we’re close to perfecting our premium 5×5 ladder frame. We never stop trying to get better. In single-frame load tests this frame will now load around 88,000 to 103,000 pounds, compare that to industry standard ranges of 55,000 to 62,000 pounds. We have worked hard on perfecting quality over the last three years. When was the last time you bought something and your expectations were exceeded? Simply stated we are sure this frame is the highest quality frame sold in the world.

We hope to earn your business.

Weight 41 lbs




Frame Tube Outside Diameter


Frame Tube Wall Thickness


Brace Lock Spacing


Frame Type


Frame Pattern






  • (1) ScaffoldMart’s Premium 5′ x 5′ Ladder Frame